Today is not like any other Saturday Morning. Most Saturday mornings the boys have some sort of activity to go to, but since we are technically still in holiday mode, all are sleeping late. We are up in our mountain home, so the noises are really different.
I was the first one up this morning, nothing usual there. I came up stairs to a bright and sunny room. I walked into the kitchen and looked out the big picture window and noticed yet another inch or two of fresh snow. I filled the coffee maker with fresh water, ground the Starbucks coffee beans and placed them in the coffee maker and then pressed the brew button.
I shuffled over the couch, grabbed the laptop and started it up. The coffee maker was sputtering and the laptop was whirring. I listened for the the other sounds of silence. Ah, Fred was still asleep, his deep breathing and gentle snore could be heard from behind the closed door of the downstairs bedroom. Chip was still asleep, his deep breaths and occasional murmur was below me. Rocky, the soundest sleeper of the bunch, had just rolled over and bumped the wall with either an elbow or knee. The wind was blowing the freshly fallen snow around the yard, the naked trees were shaking in the wind. Creeks from the house could be heard, as the wind slows. The electric heat is coming up, the thermostat clicks on, then the blower clicks, then the heating element. As the metal expands from the electricity flowing, the air begins to warm. The warm air rises and then moves the valances of the window treatments slightly.
The coffee begins to drip into the carafe, and the smells begin to stir the rest of the family. Rocky bounds up the stairs. "Hi, Mommy, what are you doing he asks?" My response of "Nothing." confuses him, as he sees that I have the computer on and I turn it off as he asks. The coffee maker beeps, Fred plods his way to the bathroom. The toilet flushes and the water begins to refill the tank. Rocky attempts to wake Chip, but all he gets is a "Leave Me Alone!" Fred climbs the stairs and asks "What's for breakfast?"
The quiet of a Saturday morning has been spoiled!
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10 months ago
I slept entirely through the morning... I had been up all through the night, working on the sequel to Twilight!
MMMMMnnn.... nothing like a nice book and a quiet house!
A quiet house will be mine again on Monday morning!
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