A white canvass, is what an artist begins with. A white piece of paper, is what a writer begins with. What did God begin with? One wonders about that when you look out the window at freshly fallen snow.
My husband calls snow the "Great Equalizer", because when you look at your yard and then your neighbor's, there's no grass to see, to wonder if it is greener. The snow covered cars on the street all look alike; a Honda looks the same as a Mercedes. The landscape, whether it is bush or a pile of trash all look alike.
It is all the same until the first imprint of life falls upon it. Whether it is the footfall of a squirrel looking for the nuts he had hidden last week; the wind blowing snow off the roof onto the ground; a man's footprints as he goes off to work; or the snow angels made by one of the children.
The United States of America had a fresh blanket of snow cast upon it yesterday at noon in Washington D.C. Our country has the opportunity to change it's image, it's economy, it's government, it's policies and more. President Obama has laid down a challenge to all Americans to make the world a better place. The journey begins with each and every one of us. If all do just a little more to make our own mark in the snow better imagine what dreams can come true.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made a speech about a dream 45 years ago, that all men and women shall have equal opportunities. I believe there is a chance that dream can become a reality in my lifetime. We have not reached that point yet, because the people of the United States still see the color of each others skin. When we the people of the United States of America choose a President, a Governor, a Congressman or any elected official by the their merits alone can we say that Dr. King's dream has been fulfilled. We are one step closer.
Mr. Obama, I wish you well. Have fun making angels in the snow.
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10 months ago
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Beautiful thoughts!
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