Tomorrow, I am taking my son Rocky on his very last Cub Scout outing, before his Blue & Gold Banquet, where he will cross over into Boy Scouts. We are going Ice Skating at the local outdoor rink.
This is kind of funny because last weekend, I was looking at some old photographs and I found a picture of him. It was from the very first Blue & Gold Banquet that he attended and he was proudly displaying a patch that he received, it read "Ice Skating". Rocky was only 2 and 1/2 years old at the time, but if you asked him what he wanted to be, he said "I want to be a Cub Scout and an Eagle Scout!"
He is now done with Cub Scouts and he has earned his "Arrow of Light" Award, 17 of 20 Activity Badges and can't wait until he is on his way to earning his Eagle Badge.
At that Blue & Gold Banquet, a dear friend's son earned his "Arrow of Light" Award, and our other sons received their Bear and Tiger Badges, we ate with our hands and were entertained by two handsome knights in shining armor. Since then, my friend's older son has earned his Eagle Badge, her other son became a Venture Scout, and my older son, Chip became a "Star" scout (last night) and Rocky is days short of becoming a Boy Scout like the rest of the boys.
Time has flown by since that little boy held that patch to his chest! I am very proud of him and all he has accomplished!
Read Preeti Shenoy's posts on Substack now!
10 months ago
Time is like a great big wheel, turning and... well, basically running me over and flattening me. :P I feel old.
I remember STARTING Cub Scouts, and now I'm ending boy scouts. Rhetorically speaking.
Congratulations on your Graduations (all of you) out of Cub Scouts!
You are right == lots to celebrate!
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