Why must a child grow up? I sat thirteen years ago with a beautiful baby boy in my arms. As I nursed him and sang him lullabies, I dreamed for him. I dreamed of his first words (they were ball and bird). I dreamed of his first steps (they were on August 31, 1996). I dreamed of his first day of school (September 14, 1999, my birthday). I dreamed of a lot of his firsts. However, I know I did not dream of his first girlfriend or even his first crush.
Chip is getting to be a real teenager and I am not sure if I am ready for this. Yes, I knew I would have to let him go out into the world, but it is scary! The dawn of technology has not made it any easier either. Chip got his first cell phone recently and all he seems to do now it "text" his friends. He never spend any time on the telephone before.
He seems to think I live in the dark ages, well I don't, I have a small lamp in my corner of the world. The technology available to our children is both amazing and frightening. I have "googled" Fred and myself in the past and came up with a few hits, but I never got any hits on my son's names until.......I "googled" Chip earlier today and I was surprised to find his name out there. Kids don't seem to realize the impact of a few words to a friend, but then again most adults don't realize it either. I am not sure I am ready for this one, but I am in it! I guess I need to get with it real fast, because Rocky is up next...........
Countdown until Rocky becomes a teenager: 3 years, 5 months, 16 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes..
Read Preeti Shenoy's posts on Substack now!
10 months ago
I hope everything is ok!
Everything is fine, just the teen thing is is probably more difficult than when we were teens. I also don't remember having friends of all different age groups. The circle of friends Chip has ranges in age from pre-teens to 20+ due to the activities he is involved with.
Mom just needs to get with it!
And Chip is a pretty mature kid, so the older kids probably like to hang around with him.
I worry about Nick, too, because he's only friends with people his brother's age, and they'll be going away to college, and who will he hang out with then?
Maybe Nick and Chip should hang out! Nick will be hanging with someone younger and Chip will be hanging with someone who's Mom is my friend! It may make things easier for both of us! ;)
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