Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why Must A Child Grow Up?

Why must a child grow up? I sat thirteen years ago with a beautiful baby boy in my arms. As I nursed him and sang him lullabies, I dreamed for him. I dreamed of his first words (they were ball and bird). I dreamed of his first steps (they were on August 31, 1996). I dreamed of his first day of school (September 14, 1999, my birthday). I dreamed of a lot of his firsts. However, I know I did not dream of his first girlfriend or even his first crush.

Chip is getting to be a real teenager and I am not sure if I am ready for this. Yes, I knew I would have to let him go out into the world, but it is scary! The dawn of technology has not made it any easier either. Chip got his first cell phone recently and all he seems to do now it "text" his friends. He never spend any time on the telephone before.

He seems to think I live in the dark ages, well I don't, I have a small lamp in my corner of the world. The technology available to our children is both amazing and frightening. I have "googled" Fred and myself in the past and came up with a few hits, but I never got any hits on my son's names until.......I "googled" Chip earlier today and I was surprised to find his name out there. Kids don't seem to realize the impact of a few words to a friend, but then again most adults don't realize it either. I am not sure I am ready for this one, but I am in it! I guess I need to get with it real fast, because Rocky is up next...........

Countdown until Rocky becomes a teenager: 3 years, 5 months, 16 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes..

Part 3 - Christmas At Gem's

The clean up! Ah, it really wasn't that bad. The boys took out all the garbage, Fred slept, Mom-in-law washed the pots and I put everything else away.

We have been having our long winter's nap since Christmas, that's why I haven't posted anything this week.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Part 2 - Christmas At Gem's

Well the cake was finished with no time to spare! My parents started the arrival of our dinner guests, followed by my brother, sister-in-law and nephew (they were early for a change) and last but not least my sister, brother-in-law and other nephew (they arrived after the time dinner was to be put on the table). Chip & Rocky enjoyed the company of their cousins, as much as a 13 and 10 year old can enjoy the company of a 5 and 2 year old.

Dinner was a success, the dinner was catered from the local "speciality" supermarket and it was great! Even someone with no experience in the kitchen could have made it. We opened presents and once again the paper was strewn around the living room. We picked up the paper and then headed back to the table for dessert.

My mom and sister brought homemade cookies that they had made. I purchased a Strawberry Shortcake and made the Chocolate Ganache Cake. My 2 year old nephew loved the chocolate cake so much he stuck his whole face in it and had chocolate all over himself.

The rest of the family recalled a Christmas dinner several years ago, before my Grandmother started showing the signs of dementia, by asking "What kind of cake is it?" "Chocolate." "What's inside of it?" "Chocolate." "No. what's it made of?" "CHOCOLATE!" That made my Grandmother very angry with all of us and she refused to speak with anyone the rest of the night. Grandma has not been able to share in the holidays or any other celebrations for a few years, she is missed from around the table, but she is always with us.

After coffee and dessert, all were full and exhausted. My sister and her family packed up the car and left. My brother spent time with Chip & Rocky discussing computers. My mom, sister-in-law and I were talking about how my sis-in-law was feeling, as she is expecting in August. And my mom-in-law, Dad and Fred sat and watched some TV for awhile. My 2 year old nephew climbed up on Fred's lap and laid down to watch too. Fred is the only family member he will do that with. Fred was almost the one to bring my sis-in-law to the hospital the day he was born, since Fred works around the corner from their home. I guess Fred and my nephew have a special bond now!

My brother and family then packed up their car and left. My parents decided to go home a few minutes later. As they are walking out, they told me to say "Good Night & Merry Christmas" to Fred --- he was sound asleep! All of this happened before 9:00PM.

Part 3 --The Clean Up to follow

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas At Gem's

This morning Rocky was the first up, he was also the last to bed! He was very excited about the Fat Man coming. He left cookies and pop tarts for Santa, and he wanted to know which he preferred. Santa ate the pop tarts. This kid could not wait to open his presents and he knows the rules, no presents until dad gets up. And this morning it was a hard thing, since Fred took NyQuil before bed last night.

After all presents were unwrapped and the paper was picked up, we had a very nice surprise at our front door. Friends of ours dropped in to say Merry Christmas! They came with a very thoughtful gift, a small porcelain tea pot with a message to say that "the handle is like the arms you put around everyone" and the spout is like "the love you pour out to all" and they added a box of spiritual tea to the gift.

I am in the process of making a Chocolate Ganache Cake for dessert --- it is to die for! It is the Barefoot Contessa's Recipe. I will eat a piece for all.

Part Two of Christmas At Gem's will be published later. Bye for now!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas To All

To my dear friends and family,

May all the blessings of Christmas arrive at your door.

May the true meaning of Christmas be in your heart.

May all of your loved ones be around your table;


May all of those that you may have angered or anger you forget why and remember that life is short and peace needs to begin within ourselves.

God Bless Us All.

Merry Christmas!

Love always,


Check List Update

Tree Up - Check
All Gifts Purchased - Check
Dinner Menu Planned - Check
Dinner Menu Purchased - Dec 24th pick up at supermarket
Wines Purchased - Fred's Job not mine
Gifts Wrapped - All wrapped except for Santa Presents that will have to wait until Chip & Rocky are out or asleep
House Cleaned - Need to do a spot cleaning
Tablecloth Ironed & Table Set - Later today
Sheets Washed because Mom-in-Law staying over - Bought new sheets, no need to wash old ones today
Vacuum Playroom - one of the boys will vacuum
Make some cookies / teach Chip & Rocky to do it - 12:00 Noon
Go to Mass - 6:00 PM
Sleep Late - Dec 26th
Haircut, Manicure & Pedicure - 2009

Monday, December 22, 2008

My Checklist

Tree Up - Check
Gifts for Chip - Check
Gifts for Rocky - Check
Gifts for Fred - Tomorrow
Gifts for my side of Family - all but Bro-in-Law
Gifts for Fred's side of Family - Check
Stocking Stuffers - Check
Dinner Menu Planned - Check
Dinner Menu Purchased - Dec 24th pick up at supermarket
Wines Purchased - Fred's Job not mine
Gifts Wrapped - 1/2 way done will do rest tonight & tomorrow
House Cleaned - Check
Tablecloth Ironed - Dec 24th
Sheets Washed because Mom-in-Law staying over - Dec 24th
Haircut, Manicure & Pedicure - with what time?

I have checked my list, I am sure I forgot something, but I hope I did not forget anyone!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Peace On Earth Or At Least In My Neck Of The World

When struggles happen in my life I am reminded of the song "Let There Be Peace On Earth". Let was a song that was sung just about every week at the end of mass in the Church I grew up in. I don't know if effected everyone in the same way, but it helped me to get along with both of my siblings for at least long enough to get out of the parking lot.

I was reminded of the song last week, when my husband and his sister were battling over what started as "When are we going to see you for Thanksgiving" and it blew out of control when she said we should have consulted her about our family going away for the long weekend. They haven't spoken since, but the next holiday is only a few days away and I told Fred, "life is too short and we only have our siblings, why not offer the olive branch." He agreed and we will be spending Christmas Eve at his sister's house.

I decided to use the same approach with the person I have been having issues with and invited her to a small gathering on Monday evening. She stated that an close relative past away and that the services are on Monday morning that she would probably not be able to attend. I still offered the invitation, stating that a quick, no cook meal might be the thing her and her children need and she was welcome. Then I wished her and her family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I also wished for Peace On Earth or At Least In My Neck Of The World!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Peace Maker Is Coming Tomorrow

An acquaintance and I have been having issues with each other. It is a type of power struggle. Well, I received a call about 15 minutes ago, a concerned third party would like to sit a talk with me with about the situation. He is coming over tomorrow morning for a pleasant one on one. Hopefully, he will be able to ease some of the tensions.

I guess I need to have an open mind. I promise I will try. Gemmie will try extra, extra, extra hard; besides it is the season to be wishing for "Peace on Earth", I should try to let it begin with me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tea With A Friend

To my dear friend Sue,

Thank you for having tea with me today. I have missed the conversations we used to have many years ago. I am glad our lives are beginning to meet at the same location.


For those of you that don't know, Sue and I became friends through a wonderful organization, Boy Scouts of America. We both have put more than our "required" one hour a week into the organization, but the rewards we both have gained are piled higher than the two of us.

Sue's boys are 18 & 16, mine 13 & 10..... two far apart in age for the boys to be close (for now), but the mommy's are. She is the one that started me on my new "bad" habit.......Blogging.

I hope that we can spend more time together soon.

Payday Comes Twice In December

I received another reality check today. This one was "Pay to the Order of Gemmie, The Mother of Rocky".

My younger son's teachers paid me a wonderful compliment on my son, Rocky. Over the past 5 days, my 10 year old has put in approximately 17 hours of community service. He has helped his brother's Boy Scout Troop with their Spaghetti Dinner and his teacher's son with his Eagle Project. Over the weekend, Rocky has helped create the baskets, bring them up from the basement, carry them to the car and into the catering hall, set up the room for the dinner and then served pasta for another 5 and a half hours. Yesterday, one of his teacher's son's was doing his Eagle Project, a Toys for Tots Toy Drive and Family Bingo night at Rocky's school. Rocky said, "he preferred to work on the project, rather than participate as a student." The Eagle candidate agreed and off Rocky went. Rocky performed all the duties asked of him, above and beyond the expectations of all scouts and adults at the project. The leaders of the Boy Scout Troop were more than impressed with the dedication of a 10 year -- not even a Boy Scout yet! Rocky isn't even going to that Troop in February!

I am extremely proud to be the Mother, Den Leader and Friend of my son Rocky! Good Job! Mommy Loves You!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's All The Mayor's Fault

Two years ago, the mayor of our town decided that it was time to clean house, both literally and figuratively. Our mayor has been making changes throughout the town, from the Sanitation, Recreation, and other departments. He has been streamlining as much as possible and has also asked the residents of the town to do the same.

One of the ways he has made it easier on the residents is to institute a "bulk garbage" day in the springtime to facilitate the "Spring Cleaning" process. Each section of town was designated a weekend for "free" yard sales and the following Wednesday would be the bulk pick up. My husband and I took advantage of that first bulk pick up by taking down the swing set in the backyard and removing a semi-permanent room divider.

We then had a custom "entertainment/room divider" designed and built and we began the redecorating of the living room, dining room, family room, kitchen and hall. Well today, 21 months later, the project is finished, except for a few accessories.

Mr. Mayor, I blame you for the 21 months of not having my home in order, but damn it looks good now! Thanks!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Adding To The Pot

Did you ever wonder if you add to some one's pot or take from it?

As a child, I am sure I took quite a bit from my parents' pot. I know I definitely took from their wallet. I hope I added to it too, by getting good grades, doing what was expected of me and behaving most of the time.

As a teenager, I still took more than I added.

As a young adult, I was taking.......

As an adult, I am now giving back to them, I gave them a son (my husband), two grandsons and I moved out and stayed out! I also haven't asked them for money in a long time.

My sons are definitely in the taking mode right now!

But my question is not about giving or taking from family, it relates more toward the people that you meet in your day to day activities outside the family circle. I know a lady that tends to take from me more than most and most of the time it is OK. Lately though, she seems to take, and take and take. I am tired of her taking without giving. I know it sounds like I am being mean, but the relationship is extremely lopsided. She is a diabetic, with two grown children and a son the same age as my oldest. She lost her spouse in 1998. Her health has deteriorated since I met her in 2000. Her older children have little or no regard for her and she is in need of a friend.

I have helped her many times, by taking her to the Emergency Room and sitting with her until she was admitted and a family member came. Taken her son in when ever she asked, dropped everything to help her, yet she doesn't help herself. For example, when she asks "what can I do to help my son with school work?" I tell her call the guidance councilor, she doesn't and when her son's report card comes home with 2 F's and 4 D's, she asks me what to do about it. I gave her the answer three weeks before, three months before and three years before.

I enjoy giving and most of the time it really makes me feel good, but lately I have been analyzing the adding and subtracting that I do and others do to me. I have decided that the giving I will be doing must also add to me now. The adding can be as simple a smile or just that good feeling you get deep down inside, but I need a little something too!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Change The Letters & Add A Few

Did you ever look at the word "being"?
Did you know if you change the letters around & add an "n" it becomes "benign"?
Or add a "n, h, o & r" you get a "neighbor"?
There are other words that if you change the letters around like "lift" becomes "flit".
Here are the definitions of the those five words.

Being: the fact of existing; Philosophically-that which has actuality either materially or in idea. or absolute existence in a complete or perfect state.

Benign: having a kindly disposition; gracious; healthful; pleasant or beneficial

Neighbor: a person who shows kindliness or helpfulness toward his or her fellow humans

Lift: assistance or aid; to raise or direct upward; to hold up or display on high

Flit: to move lightly and swiftly; fly, dart, or skim along; to pass quickly, as time

I hope to become a "Benign Being That Flits & Lifts All Of My Neighbors"

May God Bless Each & Everyone of My Neighbors here on Earth during this Holiday Season and Always!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Two Weeks To Christmas!

Fourteen shopping days to Christmas. Thirteen days to get my Christmas cards out or they will be New Year's cards. Twelve days and the kids will be out of school. Eleven days to wrap all the gifts before the kids are out of school. Ten days until the CCD break. Nine days to a friend's Christmas Party. Eight days of Chanukah, anyone know when is starts this year. Seven days. put up the Christmas Tree. Six days until my new furniture comes. Five days hopefully the carpet will be in. Four days. Three days until the Spaghetti Dinner. Two days to have all the baskets upstairs. One day to rest---- did I say rest----- something must be wrong. Today, the moms make baskets for the Spaghetti Dinner.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reality Check

I got a nice big reality check today.

Pay to the order of: Gemmie, Mother of Chip.

One of my son's friend's mom paid me a genuine complement. She said I was raising a fine young man and that she is proud that her son counts my son as a friend. Both she and her husband, think my son is a good role model for her son.

Just wish I could go to the bank now and cash it!

I hit a mile stone today! 100 hits! Yeah Me!


Today, I went to get my hair cut. I didn't get dressed up. I didn't put on any makeup. There was nothing special about anything I put on today, but I got lots of complements.

I guess just because my hair was down after the hair cut everyone noticed the small change in my appearance. Most men don't notice any change, but the women notice the slightest of changes. "Oh, Gemmie, what did you do to your hair? It looks great" was all I kept hearing. I guess I will have to complement my hair dresser now on the great job she did and give her a bigger tip next time!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Imagine How Much You Could Get Done

I can only imagine how much stuff I could get done if I really put my heart and soul into it.

Yesterday, after Church, my sister called to tell me about the family of a child in the school that she teaches at. The family recently left a homeless shelter and have nothing. The family needs just about everything. My sister knew that I had just purchased new sheets and comforters for my son's second bedroom at our weekend home and asked if I still had them. Well, I did. This morning, I could have brought the items to my mother's house and left them for my sister, but I felt that no one should have to suffer in the cold if I could help them. I packed up 3 twin sized comforter sets, a queen size comforter set, 3 sheet sets and 6 bath towel sets and set off to my sister's school. It is not in the best of neighborhoods, but I went. I surprised not only my sister, but her class of 4th and 5th graders, and the principal of the school.

I even read the kids a story "The Polar Express" and they want me to come back to visit them in January. The feeling I had after the whole experience was AMAZING!

I was also able to complete some tasks that I have been putting off, shopping for supplies for Chip's Boy Scout Troop's Spaghetti Dinner this weekend at St. C's church ----3 PM - 8 PM on Saturday for all you locals.

I also created the invitation for my other son, Rocky's Blue & Gold Dinner, and worked on a letter for soliciting ad's and my final farewell letter for the ad booklet.

I also realized that I can not be in two places at once and I asked for help. One, I asked another parent to drive the boys to a OA Meeting and two, I asked other PTO parents to help with the refreshments for Rocky's teacher's son's Eagle Project.

Believe it or not, I even started to decorate my home for Christmas and I did at least one load of laundry.

Like I said IMAGINE!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sleeping In

This was the first Saturday in a very long time that my husband, the kids and I could sleep in and boy did we. It is now 10:00 AM, and my early bird Rocky, slept until 9:00. I slept until 9:15, my bladder woke me up and my hubby and Chip probably won't be up until after 11:00. It feels good! The only thing on the agenda that has a timetable today is a party at 6:00.

Therefore we have a day for lounging! The Christmas shopping can wait. Yes, I know I will be complaining in two weeks that I still have to get it finished, but right now rest is important.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Why can't people be like goldfish? Just swim around in the fish tank and look cute!