Thursday was a BIG turkey dinner. Friday was turkey sandwiches. Saturday, needed pasta in the worst way. Sunday was leftover appetizers. Monday will be turkey salad sandwiches and then onto the big Christmas preparations. My first day of Christmas shopping is on Wednesday. Every year since before I was born, my mom and godmother have gone shopping on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving.
It has been a tradition for them. They would get up early and literally shop 'til they dropped. The day usually started for them at about 8:00AM and didn't end until well after midnight. Once Chip was born, I was invited to join them. It was not because they wanted to see me, but spend more time with Chip. The day now starts around 9:00 AM with breakfast with the ladies at the local IHOP for the senior citizen special --- (they are the seniors, not me!). Then we check out the newspaper ads to get the low down on all the deals. Need to cut those coupons!
Then it is across the street for the bargain hunt. The first thing that happens is you need to park the car near an exit, leave you coat in the car, find the nearest bathroom and then shop! My mom and aunt have been doing this so long they have a special call to each other: "Hellie, oh Hellie" and the other "Ellie, oh Ellie" you can hear this throughout the stores. It is quite funny!
During the day, they stop for a drink, lunch, bathroom breaks......... not much shopping ever gets done. Then around 2:45PM, I leave because I have to go to get Chip and Rocky from school. Grandma and Auntie Hellie can't wait for this part. We have used this day as the day the grandchildren go to see the Fat Man. My sister was invited to join us when her son was born and then my sister-in-law was invited when my brother's son was born. Now, Chip, Rocky and their two cousins all go see Santa Claus together! I don't know how much longer Chip or Rocky will sit on the big guy's lap, but we will see!
After the Santa pictures, the kids want to do a little shopping and then we all go for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. So all in all, not much shopping gets done, but a lot of eating and seeing the relatives without any cleaning the house or cooking happens.
That's the beginning of the holiday season at Gemmie's House.